Yes, all contents are available for free. And you don't need to log in to access the content.

You can write and publish your own articles, improve existing articles, review and rate the existing articles, or send us feedbacks.

You can press the "Edit Article" button when you are viewing the article. You will need to log in to edit the articles.

We want to record the editing history and provide high quality contents to the user.

You can use the AI functions to generate a draft after you input a valid title and press "AI Generate Draft" button. You can edit the text based on the draft generated by AI. You can also input a detailed descriptin of the image you want to use for each paragraph of your article and press "Generate New Image" to automatically generate an image.

We want to make the writing process easy and simple, but keep it original. Contributors can focus on what they are more interested in: writing creative ideas, sharing original contents, putting in more in-depth and expertise information, etc. Therefore, in the long term, it will benefit the community, because contributors can focus more on ideas, quality of content and expert information they can provide, rather than wasting time on worrying about language or figures.


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