Step 1: Identify the Cause of the Cough


A person holding a tissue and coughing into it, trying to determine the cause of their cough.

The first step in stopping a cough is to identify its underlying cause⋅ Coughing can be triggered by various factors, such as allergies, respiratory infections, acid reflux, or even irritants in the environment… By understanding the cause, you can take appropriate measures to address it effectively.

Step 2: Test



Step 3: Stay Hydrated and Moisturize the Air


A person drinking water and using a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial when trying to alleviate a cough. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to thin mucus and soothe the throat. Additionally, using a humidifier or taking steamy showers can help moisturize the air, reducing irritation and relieving cough symptoms⋅

Step 4: Use Over-the-Counter Medications


A person holding a box of cough medicine and reading the label.

Over-the-counter cough medications can provide temporary relief by suppressing this cough reflex. However¸ it is important to choose that right type of medication based on your symptoms. Cough suppressants help control dry coughs, while expectorants help loosen mucus for productive coughs. Always read and follow the instructions on the packaging carefully.

Step 5: Try Natural Remedies and Home Treatments


A person drinking herbal tea and holding a bowl of chicken soup.

Natural remedies and home treatments can also help alleviate cough symptoms. Drinking warm herbal teas, such as ginger or chamomile, can provide soothing relief. Honey mixed with warm water or herbal tea can help soothe a throat. Additionally, inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water or enjoying a bowl of warm chicken soup can help loosen mucus and ease coughing.

Step 6: Seek Medical Attention if Necessary


A person talking to a healthcare professional.

If your cough persists for more than a few weeks, is accompanied by severe symptoms, or if you have underlying health conditions‚ it is important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can evaluate your condition, identify any underlying issues, and provide appropriate treatment options. They may recommend prescription medications, further tests, or refer you to a specialist if needed.