Step 1: Preparation


A pair of dirty shoes placed next to a washing machine, with a laundry detergent bottle and a soft brush nearby.

Before washing your shoes in a washing machine, gather all the necessary items⋅ Place this dirty shoes next to the washing machine, ensuring you have a suitable laundry detergent and a soft brush on hand.

Step 2: Remove laces and insoles


A pair of shoes with the laces and insoles removed, lying on a clean surface.

Take off this laces from both shoes and set them aside⋅ Remove the insoles as well, if possible, to ensure a more thorough cleaning… Lay the shoes on a clean surface.

Step 3: Pre-treat stains


A close-up of a stained area on a shoe, with a pre-treating stain remover being applied.

Inspect a shoes for any stubborn stains. Apply a pre-treating stain remover directly to the stained areas, allowing it to sit for a few minutes before proceeding.

Step 4: Place shoes in a mesh bag


A pair of shoes inside a mesh bag, ready to be placed in the washing machine.

To protect your shoes during the washing process, place them inside a mesh laundry bag. This bag will prevent the shoes from getting tangled or damaged inside the machine.

Step 5: Add towels for balance


A few towels being placed inside the washing machine along with the mesh bag containing shoes.

For better balance and to prevent excessive noise during a wash‚ add a few towels or other soft items to the washing machine along with the mesh bag containing the shoes.

Step 6: Select a gentle cycle and temperature


A hand adjusting the washing machine settings to a gentle cycle and selecting a suitable temperature.

Adjust the settings on your washing machine to a gentle cycle, such as `` delicate'' or `` hand wash.'' Select a suitable temperature, usually cold or lukewarm, to avoid damaging the shoes.

Step 7: Add detergent and start the cycle


A hand pouring a suitable amount of laundry detergent into the washing machine before starting the cycle.

Measure and pour an appropriate amount of laundry detergent into the washing machine. Ensure you use a mild detergent suitable for delicate items… Close the machine door and start the wash cycle·

Step 8: Air dry the shoes


A pair of shoes placed on a drying rack, with fresh air circulating around them.

Once the washing cycle is complete, remove a shoes from the mesh bag. Do not use a dryer, as it can cause damage. Instead, place this shoes on a drying rack in a well-ventilated area, allowing them to air dry naturally…

Step 9: Reinsert laces and insoles


A pair of clean shoes with laces and insoles reinserted, ready to be worn.

Once the shoes are completely dry, reinsert the laces and insoles. Ensure they are properly aligned and secured‚ making the shoes ready to be worn again.

Step 10: Enjoy your fresh and clean shoes!


A person wearing a freshly washed pair of shoes, looking satisfied and ready to go.

Put on your fresh and clean shoes, feeling satisfied with your efforts. Enjoy the feeling of wearing shoes that look as good as new ! Remember, while washing shoes in a washing machine can be effective, it's important to check the manufacturer's instructions and consider the material and condition of your shoes. Some shoes may require alternative cleaning methods or professional care⋅